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Takový menší video o vztahu Edwarda, Jacoba a Belly, co jsem našla na youtube. Myslim, že nad textem se i zasmějete. ;)



Text písničky Jacob black od By the Mitch Hansen Band:

Jacob Black
She's not coming back
La Push has come to shove
And she's through with you
Don't you see
You're just a dog to me
If you come near her again
I'll eat you too


First you missed her
Then you kissed her
I'm just watching
You think you're fine
I'm waiting
Don't you screw up
Or you're mine

First you missed her
Then you kissed her
I'm just watching
You think you're fine
I'm waiting
Don't you screw up
Or you're mine

You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
Its time for you to face the truth
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
And she's still way too good for you
Watch your back cause who knows what I'll do
Jacob Black I've got my eye on you

You were there to save her life
When I was far away
Differences aside and
I'll say thank you anyway
The bigger man will shake your hand
And pretty soon you'll see
In your mind you're kissing her
In life she's kissing me

You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
Its time for you to face the truth
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
You're nothing but a dog
And she's still way too good for you

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